Adjective + Preposition
Adjective + Preposition
accustomed | to |
accused | of |
acquainted | with |
addicted | to |
afraid | of |
annoyed | about/with/at |
allergic | to |
amazed | at/by |
anxious | about |
appreciated | for |
ashamed | of |
associated | with |
astonished | at/by |
aware | of |
angry | with |
afraid | of |
attached | to |
bad | at |
based | on |
beneficial | to |
boastful | for |
bored | with/of |
brilliant | at |
busy | with |
capable | of |
careful | with/about/of |
certain | about |
characteristic | of |
clever | at |
connected | with |
conscious | of |
content | with |
crazy | about |
crowded | with |
curious | about |
dissatisfied | with |
doubtful | about |
delighted | at/about |
derived | from |
different | from |
disappointed | with |
eager | for |
eligible | for |
enthusiastic | about |
excellent | in/at |
excited | about |
experienced | in |
exposed | to |
envious | of |
faithful | to |
familiar | with |
famous | for |
fed up | with |
free | of/from |
frightened | of |
friendly | with |
fond | of |
furious | about |
furnished | with |
full | of |
generous | with/about |
guilty | of/about |
gentle | with |
good | at |
grateful | to |
happy | about |
hopeful | of/about |
identical | with/to |
immune | to |
impressed | with |
inferior | to |
indifferent | to |
innocent | of |
interested | in |
involved | with |
incapable | of |
jealous | of |
kind | to |
keen | on |
late | for |
limited | to |
lucky | at |
nervous | of/about |
notorious | for |
opposed | to |
patient | with |
pessimistic | about |
pleased | with |
polite | to |
popular | with |
presented | with |
proud | of |
punished | for |
puzzled | by/about |
qualified | for |
pessimistic | about |
ready | for |
related | to |
relevant | to |
respectful | for |
responsible | for |
rid | of |
sad | about |
safe | from |
satisfied | with |
scared | of |
sensitive | to |
serious | about |
sick | of |
similar | to |
shocked | by |
skilful | at |
slow | at |
sorry | for/about |
successful | in |
suitable | for |
sure | of/about |
superior | to |
surprised | at |
suspicious | of |
sympathetic | with |
terrible | at |
terrified | of |
tired | of |
thankful | to/for |
trilled | with |
troubled | with |
typical | of |
unaware | of |
upset | about |
used | to |
wrong | with/about |
worried | about |
Tag: Daftar kata sifat + preposition, kata sifat beserta kata depan, adjective + connector, verb + preposition.
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