Penjelasan Tentang Direct and Indirect Speech Terlengkap - Penjelasan Tentang Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Speech) Terlengkap. Materi hari ini saya akan membahas tentang Reported Speech atau juga dikenal dengan istilah Direct and Indirect Speech. Reported Speech adalah kalimat tidak langsung atau kalimat laporan (Indirect speech) yang digunakan apabila kita ingin menceritakan kembali pendapat atau pembicaraan seseorang kepada orang lain dalam waktu yang berbeda. Sedangkan kalimat langsung yang diucapkan pembicara adalah quoted speech (Direct speech).

Beberapa perubahan yang harus anda pahami dalam kalimat Reported Speech. Perubahan itu sendiri terdiri dari Perubahan Tense, Pronoun, Adverb, dan Modal.

A. Perubahan Tenses (Masa)
Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Simple present Simple past
"I always drink coffee," she said. She said that she always drank coffee.
Present continuous Past continuous
"I am reading a book," he explained. He explained that he was reading a book
Present perfect Past perfect
"I have been to Japan," he told me. He told me that he had been to  Japan.
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
They complained, "We have been waiting for hours." They complained that they had been waiting for hours.
Simple past Past perfect
"Bill arrived on Saturday," he said. He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday.
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
"We were living in Paris," they told me. They told me that they had been living in Paris.
Past perfect Past perfect
"I had just turned out the light," he explained. He explained that he had just turned out the light.
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
"We were living in Paris," they told me. They told me that they had been living in Paris.
Simple future Past future
"I will be in Geneva on Monday," he said. He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.
Future continuous Past future continuous
She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday." She said that she would be using the car next Friday.
Future perfect Past future perfect
He said, "I will have finished the work." He said that he would have finished the work.
Future Perfect continuous Past Future perfect continuous
Kate said, "I will have been learning for 3 months." Kate said that she would have been learning for 3 months.

B. Perubahan Pronoun (Kata ganti person)
Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
First Person
He said, "I live in New York."
They said, "we love our country."
I said, "I will be late."
He said that he lived in New York.
They said that they love their country.
I said that I would be late.
Second Person
She said to him, "You are smart."
He said to me, "You are late for the party."
She said to him, "You can go."
She said to him that he was smart.
He said to me that I was late for the party.
She told him that he could go.
Third Person
They said, "He will come."
He said, "She is a good girl."
You said, "They are waiting for the bus."
They said that he would come.
He said that she was a good girl.
You said that they were waiting for the bus.
Catatan : Perlu diperhatikan beberapa aturan perupahan Person dari Direct menjadi Indirect speech.
First person pronoun pada reported speech contoh : I, we, me, us, mine, or our perubahannya tergantung pada pronoun dari reporting verb. Jika pronoun dari reporting verb merupakan third person pronoun contoh : he, she, it, they, him, his, her, them or their.
First person pronoun pada reported speech contoh : I, we, me, us, mine, or our, tidak berubah jika pronoun (Subject) dari reporting verb juga first person pronoun contoh : I atau we.
Second person pronoun pada reported speech contoh : you, yours perubahannya tergantung pada person dari object dalam reporting verb.
Third person pronoun dalam reported speech contoh : he, she, it, they, him, his, her, them atau their, tidak terjado perubahan pada indirect speech.

Jadi : Intinya anda harus paham konsep Person yang merupakan salah satu jenis pronoun (kata ganti).

The definition of the 1st person is `Person speaking`.
Mengarah kepada speaker (pembicara)
The definition of 2nd person is `Person spoken to`.
Mengarah kepada hearer (pendengar)
The definition of 3rd person is `Person spoken of/ about`.
Mengarah kepada orang yang dibicarakan selain first person dan second person.

C. Perubahan Adverb (Keterangan waktu dan tempat)
Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Now Then
She said, "I am sad now." She said that she was sad then.
Here There
"I will teach here," he said. He said that he would teach there.
Ago Before
"I saw her a week ago," he said. He said he had seen her a week before.
This That
He said, "I like this song." He said that he liked that song.
These Those
He said, "These are our cats." He said that those were their cats.
Today That day
"I am glad to be here today," he explained. He explained that he was glad to be here that day.
Tomorrow The next day
He said, "I will buy a book tomorrow." He said that he would buy a book the next day.
Yesterday The day before
"I was in Jakarta yesterday," he said. He said that he had been in Jakarta the day before.
Last night The night before
She said, "I love the party last night." She said that she loved the party The night before.
The day before yesterday Two days before
He said, "I visited them The day before yesterday." He said that he had visited them Two days before.
Next month The month after
Kate said, "I will visit my grandma next months." Kate said that she would visit her grandma next months.
A month ago A month before
"I finished the job a month ago," the boy said. The boy said that he had finished the job a month before.

D. Perubahan Modal 
Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Will Would
Iqbal said, "I will need more visitors." Iqbal said that he would need more visitors.
Shall Should
She said, "I shall visit the store." She said that she should visit the store.
Can Could
They said, "We can play a guitar." They said that they could play a guitar.
May Might
"You may wait in the hallway," he said. He said that we might wait in the hallway.
Must Had to
He said, "I must work hard." He said that he had to work hard.
Needn’t Needn’t
"You needn’t come till five o’clock," he said. He said that we needn’t come till five o’clock.
Could Could
He said, "I would start a business." He said that he would start a business.
Needn’t Needn’t
She said, "It might rain." She said that it might rain.
Needn’t Needn’t
"You should watch the movie," she said. She said.taht I should watch the movie.
Catatan : Modal present berubah menjadi Modal past, namun jika pada Direct speech anda menggunakan modal past maka pada Indirect speech tidak terjadi perubahan contoh Past Modal : Would, could, might, ought to, needn't have, must have, used to.

Macam-macam Reported speech, Direct and Indirect speech terbagi menjadi tiga bagian. Berikut saya akan jabarkan pengertian dan contoh dari masing-masing bentuk.

1. Statement (Pernyataan)

Dalam kalimat pernyataan umumnya selalu menggunakan kata penghubung 'that' yang ditambahkan setelah Main clause (kalimat utama) pada bentuk Indirect speechnya. Typical direct speech untuk statements kita bisa menggunakan : say/said, tell/told, mention/mentioned, inform/informed.
NoDirect StatementsIndirect Statements
1She said to him, "I am studying English."She said to him that she was studying English.
2She said, "I woke up early."He said that he had woken up early.
3Andi mentioned, "I will call her."Andy mentioned that he would call her.
4Martin told me, "Katty often reads a book."Martin told me that Katty often read a book.
5They told me, "We are watching TV.  They told me that.
6Jack said, "He was sick yesterday."  Jack said that he had been sick the day before.
7They said, "We have just arrived."They said that they had just arrived.
8Andi said, "I will call her."Andy said that he would call her.
9Rudy told me, I am going to ride a bike."Rudy told me that he was going to ride a bike.
10Carol said, "The boss must sign the letter."  Carol said that the boss had to sign the letter.
Catatan : Dalam Reported speech say atau tell mempunyai arti yang sama. Namun dalam penerpannya menurut Grammar yang benar mereka berbeda, sebagai contoh. Iqbal : "I will be late".
Reported speech :
Iqbal said (that) he would be late.
Iqbal told me (that) he would be late.
Iqbal told (that) he would be late.

2. Question (Pertanyaan) 

Dalam kalimat pertanyaan terdapat beberapa hal yang harus diingat untuk memahami pola perubahan Direct speech (berupa pertanyaan) menjadi kalimat Indirect speech. Perubahan pada indirect question disesuaikan dengan versi direct question-nya. Typical direct speech untuk questions kita bisa menggunakan : ask/asked, want to know/wanted to know. Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

A. Reported speech in Yes/No Question
Ketika pola kalimat tanya langsung yang digunakan berupa Yes/No Question maka akan terjadi perubahan pada kalimat tak langsungnya dengan menambahkan kata penghubung "If atau Whether" yang digunakan sebagai konektornya (pengganti that). Sedangkan pola perubahan tense yang digunakan sama dengan Direct statement.
NoDirect QuestionsIndirect Questions
1He asked him, "Are you eating sandwich now?"He asked him whether are you eating sandwich then.
2He asked, "Do you speak English?"He asked if I spoke English.
3Andi asked me, "Has John arrived?"Andy asked me if John had arrived.
4Jack asked  me, "Will Maria have lunch with Joe?"Jack asked me if Maria would have lunch with Joe.
5He asked you, "Was she in the hospital last week?"  He asked you whether she had been in the hospital the week before.

B. Reported speech in Question Words
Ketika pola kalimat tanya langsung yang digunakan berupa Question Words (kalimat pertanyaan 5W + 1H) yang berupa what, who, where, when, why dan how. Perubahan pada pola ini sama dengan Yes/No Question hanya saja konektor If atau Whether diganti dengan "Question Words" itu sendiri.
NoDirect QuestionsIndirect Questions
1"What is your name?" he asked me.He asked me what my name was.
2He asked, "How old is your father?"He asked how old her father was.
3Andi asked him, "Where does Maria park her car?"Andy asked him where Maria parked her car.
4I asked her, "Why do you come late?"I asked her why she came late.
5He asked me "Which book will you borrow next week?"  He asked me which book he would borrow the following week.

3. Command and Prohibition

Dalam kalimat larangan terdapat beberapa hal yang harus dipahami dalam perubahan dari kalimat direct speech ke indirect speech. Pola kalimat perintah (command) baik itu berupa kalimat verbal maupun nominal maka akan menggunakan kata penghubung "To" dalam Indirect speech-nya. Sedangkan pada kalimat larangan (prohibition) maka kata penghubung yang digunakan adalah "Not to" dalam Indirect speech-nya. Typical direct speech untuk Command and Prohibition  kita bisa menggunakan say/said atau telt/told, ask/asked, command/commanded, order/ordered.

A. Reported speech in Command
Ketika kalimat langsung (direct speech) dalam bentuk kalimat perintah (command) penghubung dalam kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech) adalah Affirmative commands → to + infinitive.
NoDirect CommandIndirect Command
1Dony told me, "Dance with me!"Dony told me to dance with him.
2Mr. Iqbal said, "Do your homework!"Mr. Iqbal said to do my homework.
3My father asked me, ""Clean the black bike!"My father asked me to clean the black bike.
4She told him, "Be a good student at school!"She told him to be a good student at school.
5He told her, "Help me please!"  He told her to help him.

B. Reported speech in Prohibition
Ketika kalimat langsung (direct speech) dalam bentuk kalimat larangan (prohibition) penghubung dalam kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech) adalah Negative commands → not + to + infinitive.
NoDirect ProhibitionIndirect Prohibition
1He told me "Don't go away from me!"He told me not to go away from him.
2Mr. Iqbal reminded me, "Don't forget your homework!"Mr. Iqbal reminded me not to forget my homework.
3He advised her, "Don't watch the new film!"Jane advised her not to watch the new film.
4Andy told me, "Don't talk to your neighbour!"Andy told me not to talk to my neighbour.
5He said "Don't be stupid student"  He said not to be stupid student.

A. Reported speech in Request
Ketika kalimat langsung (direct speech) dalam bentuk kalimat permintaan (request) kita harus menggunakan kata kerja bentuk saran seperti : commanded, ordered, asked, advised, invited.
NoDirect RequestIndirect Request
1"Can I have a glass of water?", she asked.She asked for a glass of water.
2She asked "Could you bring the books, please?"She asked me to bring the books.
3He said, "Please don't fight."He asked them not to fight.
4I said politely, "Please make less noise."I asked them politely to make less noise.
5She always says, "Please don't leave me." She always asks me not to leave her.

B. Reported speech in Suggestion
Ketika kalimat langsung (direct speech) dalam bentuk kalimat saran (suggestion) kita harus menggunakan kata kerja bentuk saran seperti : suggest, insist, recommend, demand.
NoDirect SuggestionIndirect Suggestion
1"Why don't you go to the doctor?" he said.He suggested that I should go to the doctor.
2John said 'You should take a holiday!"John suggested that I took a holiday
3He said "Let's watch the film!” He suggested that I should watch the film
4My mother said "Let's spend our holiday at villa!"My mother recommend that we should spend our holiday at villa.
5He said "You should buy a computer"  He insisted that I should buy a computer.

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