40 Soal Bahasa Inggris Yes/No Questions Beserta Kunci Jawaban

iTapuih.com - 40 Soal Bahasa Inggris Yes/No Questions Beserta Kunci Jawaban. Soal-soal dibawah ini terdiri dari 40 soal yang dibagi kedalam 3 bagian. Bagian pertama anda harus Arrange (mengacak) kalimat sehingga membentuk Yes/No Questions yang benar. Bagian kedua anda harus make (membuat) kalimat tersebut sehingga menjadi Yes/No Questions yang benar. Sedangkan bagian ketiga anda diminta decide (menentukan) jawaban dari Yes/No Questions. Untuk melihat kunci jawabannya anda bisa mengklik "kunci jawaban" pada bagian bawah soal.

I. Arrange these sentences into a yes or no question!
  1. from Spain are you ?
  2. send he does the letter ?
  3. you know a good book do ?
  4. Mr.Iqbal was an English teacher  ?
  5. bring she of water did a bottle  ?
  6. call I should her   ?
  7. give me that book you could  ?
  8. happy you are now  ?
  9. I may your dictionary borrow  ?
  10. a lunch had you have  ?
  11. tonight come you will to my house  ?
  12. you be here 07.00 at can  ?
  13. you coming with us are can  ?
  14. were they yesterday hungry  ?
  15. you have read the book  ?

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Lihat Kunci Jawaban

  1. Are you from Spain?
  2. Does he send the letter?
  3. Do you know a good book?
  4. Was Mr.Iqbal an English teacher?
  5. Did she bring a bottle of water?
  6. Should I call her?
  7. Could you give that book?
  8. Are you happy now?
  9. May I borrow your dictionary?
  10. Have you had a lunch?
  11. Will you come to my house tonight?
  12. Can you be here at 07.00?
  13. Are you coming with us?
  14. Were they hungry yesterday?
  15. Have you read the book?

Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari soal-soal di atas, silahkan klik tombol Lihat Kunci Jawaban.

II. Transform these sentences into a yes or no question!
  1. He loves this pet.
  2. They like volleyball.
  3. She can ride a motorcycle.
  4. They are nice dancers.
  5. We went to the swimming pool.
  6. She wastes her money on jewelery.
  7. He decided to leave his town.
  8. A cat was on my bed.
  9. They should revise their lessons.
  10. Jane will face the test?.
  11. We get wool from sheep.
  12. She drinks milk everyday.
  13. Sonia is arriving on Monday.
  14. They had finished their homework.
  15. This was a good restaurant.

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

  1. Does he love this pet?
  2. Do they like volleyball?
  3. Can she ride a motorcycle?
  4. Are they nice dancers?
  5. Did we go to the swimming pool?
  6. Does she waste her money on jewelery?
  7. Did he decide to leave his town?
  8. was A cat on my bed?
  9. Should they revise their lessons?
  10. Will Jane face the test?
  11. Do we get wool from sheep?
  12. Does she drink milk everyday?
  13. Is Sonia arriving on Monday?
  14. Had they finished their homework?
  15. Was this a good restaurant?

Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari soal-soal di atas, silahkan klik tombol Lihat Kunci Jawaban.

Write a short reply for each question!
  1. Did you speak to Kate? Yes,_____
  2. Have you been to Brazil? No,_____
  3. Do you play golf? Yes,_____
  4. Does Bill play golf? No,_____
  5. Did you have a good trip? Yes,_____
  6. Can you speak German? No,_____
  7. Are you coming with us? Yes,_____
  8. Is Maria coming with us? No,_____
  9. Will you be late? No,_____
  10. Are Jane and Alice sisters? Yes,_____

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

  1. Did she speak to Kate? Yes, she does.
  2. Have they been to Brazil? No, they haven't
  3. Do you play golf? Yes, I do
  4. Does Bill play golf? No, he doesn't
  5. Did he have a good trip? Yes, he did
  6. Can you speak German? No, I can't
  7. Are you coming with us? Yes, I am
  8. Is Maria joining with us? No, she isn't
  9. Will you be late? No, I won't
  10. Are Jane and Alice sisters? Yes, they are

Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari soal-soal di atas, silahkan klik tombol Lihat Kunci Jawaban.

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