Pembahasan Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK 2012 - Pembahasan : Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK 2012. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan memberikan Pembahasan Soal UN SMK Listening 2012. Ini merupakan lanjutan dari postingan sebelumnya tentang Latihan Soal Listening UN SMK 2012 yang terdiri dari 15 soal. Dengan adanya pembahasan berikut ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam Listening Skill. Bagi adek-adek kelas 12 SMK juga bisa menjadikan soal-soal dan pembahasan UN Listening tahun sebelumnya sebagai ajang untuk melatih kemampuan dan pemahaman sebelum menghadapi Ujian Nasional yang akan datang.
Silahkan baca dan pahami pembahasan ini dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut.
1. Narrator: Look at picture number one.
2. Narrator: Look at picture number two.
3. Narrator: Look at picture number three.
- Dengarkan audio pada video berikut.
- Perhatikan pembahasannya dengan cermat.
- Jika ada pembahasan yang masih ragu, silahkan tanya pada kolom komentar.
Baca Juga
Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 1.
A. Some people are playing soccer
B. The man is holding a stick
C. They are throwing the ball
D. Someone is picking up an umbrella
B. The man is holding a stick
C. They are throwing the ball
1. Narrator: Look at picture number one.
Seorang laki-laki yang memegang stik golf dan bersiap melakukan pukulan, sementara itu ada satu orang lagi yang sedang memegang payung. Jadi pernyataan yang sesuai dengan gambar adalah The man is holding a stick.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 2.
A. Some people are standing at the bus stop
B. The passengers are getting out of the bus
C. The bus is at the shelter
D. The car is parked behind the bus
B. The passengers are getting out of the bus
C. The bus is at the shelter
D. The car is parked behind the bus
2. Narrator: Look at picture number two.
Dari gambar diatas menunjukkan ada sebuah bis yang sedang berhenti di tempat pemberhentian (shelter). Jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan gambar adalah The bus is at the shelter.
Jawaban: C
Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 3.
A. She looks very happy
B. She is wearing a scarf on her neck
C. She has a very short curly hair
D. She is very fat
B. She is wearing a scarf on her neck
C. She has a very short curly hair
D. She is very fat
3. Narrator: Look at picture number three.
menunjukkan seorang wanita yang sedang tersenyum dan kelihatannya dia sangat bahagia. Jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan gambar adalah She looks very happy.
Jawaban: A
4. Narrator: Look at picture number four.
Perhatikan gambar dan dengarkan pilihan yang tepat dari audio untuk soal No 4.
A. They are waiting to board the bus
B. There are some passengers on the bus
C. The park is crowded with pedestrian
D. There are many people on the train
B. There are some passengers on the bus
C. The park is crowded with pedestrian
D. There are many people on the train
4. Narrator: Look at picture number four.
Gambar tersebut menunjukkan suasana di dalam bis yang penuh penumpang. Jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan gambar adalah There are some passengers on the bus.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 5.
Man: How about spending our vacation at the beach?
Woman: _________________ .
Woman: _________________ .
5. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. No, we didn’t spend a lot of money there
B. That sounds like fun
C. We had a great vacation
B. That sounds like fun
C. We had a great vacation
Pertanyaan si laki-laki tersebut tentang ajakan "How about spending our vacation at the beach?" Respon yang tepat untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah That sounds like fun.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 6.
Woman: What kind of house do you live in?
Man: _________________ .
6. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. It is located near the town
B. I left the big house yesterday
C. It is made of wood with a small garden
Man: _________________ .
6. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. It is located near the town
B. I left the big house yesterday
C. It is made of wood with a small garden
Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan "What kind of house do you live in?" (Rumah seperti apa yang kamu tempati?) Respon yang paling tepat adalah It is made of wood with a small garden.
Jawaban: C
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 7.
Woman: What did you learn at the workshop last week?
Man: _______________________ .
7. Narrator: The best response is .....
A. Well, they learned about banking
B. The teacher is very experienced
C. It was more complicated than I thought
A. Well, they learned about banking
B. The teacher is very experienced
C. It was more complicated than I thought
Pada dialogue tersebut kita mendengar bahwa si wanita bertanya, Apa yang Anda pelajari pada lokakarya minggu lalu? Respon yang paling tepat untuk memberikan jawaban adalah It was more complicated than I thought.
Jawaban: C
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 8.
Woman: Did you sign up for next month business conference?
Man: Not yet, I plan to send it my registration tomorrow.
Woman: You’d better do it soon. Friday is the last day for registration.
8. Narrator: What is the man probably going to do soon?
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 9.
Man: Not yet, I plan to send it my registration tomorrow.
Woman: You’d better do it soon. Friday is the last day for registration.
8. Narrator: What is the man probably going to do soon?
Pertanyaan "What is the man probably going to do soon?" (Apa yang mungkin akan dilakukan si pria segera?) Dalam dialogue si pria berkata "I plan to send it my registration tomorrow." Jadi, si pria akan melakukan pendaftaran secepatnya. Jawaban yang tepat adalah Enroll himself for the program.
Janwaban: A
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 9.
Man: What did you think of last month box office movie
Woman: I thought it was great.
Man: I enjoyed it, too.
9. Narrator: What does the woman think of the box office movie?
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 10.
10. Narrator: What is the woman’s suggestion?
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Woman: I thought it was great.
Man: I enjoyed it, too.
9. Narrator: What does the woman think of the box office movie?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "What does the woman think of the box office movie?" Pada dialogue si wanita berkata "I thought it was great." Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah It was very good.
Janwaban: C
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 10.
Man: Hello. Yes, I’d like to book a table for four on Thursday 9th.
Woman: I’m sorry. Sir, but we have a private party reserved for that evening. Can I recommend that you consider another day? We are open at four to eleven in the evening.
Man:Oh, in that case, make it Friday evening at six thirty.
Woman: Alright, Sir. And whose name shall I book the table under?
Man: Budi Santoso, please.
Woman: I’m sorry. Sir, but we have a private party reserved for that evening. Can I recommend that you consider another day? We are open at four to eleven in the evening.
Man:Oh, in that case, make it Friday evening at six thirty.
Woman: Alright, Sir. And whose name shall I book the table under?
Man: Budi Santoso, please.
10. Narrator: What is the woman’s suggestion?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "What is the woman’s suggestion?" Pada dialogue si wanita berkata "Can I recommend that you consider another day?". Jadi, saran si wanita tersebut adalah Changing the day.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 11.
11. Narrator: Where will they probably stay on vacation?
Perhatikan dialogue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 11.
Woman: Have you decided where we will stay on our vacation?
Man: Not yet, would you like to stay at the Grand hotel or at the Ritz?
Woman: The Grand hotel isn’t as convenient as the Ritz.
Man: Yes, and the Ritz is less expensive than the Grand. So we won’t spend a lot of money for staying.
Man: Not yet, would you like to stay at the Grand hotel or at the Ritz?
Woman: The Grand hotel isn’t as convenient as the Ritz.
Man: Yes, and the Ritz is less expensive than the Grand. So we won’t spend a lot of money for staying.
11. Narrator: Where will they probably stay on vacation?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan "Where will they probably stay on vacation?" Pada dialogue si wanita berkata "The Grand hotel isn’t as convenient as the Ritz." (Grand Hotel tidak senyaman laris). Jadi, kemungkinan besar mereka akan menginap At Ritz hotel.
Jawaban: B
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following announcement.
When entering the building, please sign in at the desk and get a visitor’s pass. You will need to wear it at all time when you are in the building. Then wait for an escort to accompany you to your destination. You must also be escorted back to the reception desk. Please don’t forget to sign out and return your pass when leaving the building. Thank you for your cooperation.
12. Narrator: Whom is the instruction intended to?
Pada pengumuman disebutkan "When entering the building, please sign in at the desk and get a visitor’s pass." (Saat memasuki gedung, dimohon mendaftar di meja untuk mendapatkan kartu pengijung). Jadi instruksi ini ditujukan kepada para tamu Guest.
Jawaban: C
13. Narrator: What should you do when entering the building?
Pada pengumuman disebutkan "When entering the building, please sign in at the desk and get a visitor’s pass." (Saat memasuki gedung, dimohon mendaftar di meja untuk mendapatkan kartu pengijung). Jadi saat memasuki gedung, kita harus mendapatkan kartu Get a pass.
Jawaban: A
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following advertisement.
Are you frustrated because you need to know a language for business reasons, but you are just too busy to take classes. Then order a language kit from Perfect Lingua. Watch our DVD and work from our CD ROM in the comfort of your own home. Learn in a natural way by listening to native speakers in business situation and then responding to them in your own word. Courses now available in English, Spanish and Japanese. Each kit contains four workbooks, two DVDs and one CD ROM. Call Perfect Lingua now at 23096807.
14. Narrator: Who is advertisement directed to?
Pada teks disebutkan ".... because you need to know a language for business reasons, but you are just too busy to take classes." (karena harus mempelajari suatu bahasa untuk alasan bisnis, namun anda terlalu sibuk untuk mengikuti kursus bahasa). Jadi iklan ini ditujukan untuk para pebisnis yang ingin belajar bahasa tapi tidak punya banyak waktu luang. Business people.
Jawaban: B
15. Narrator: How do you watch the video cassette and work from CD-ROOM at home?
Pada teks disebutkan "... order a language kit from Perfect Lingua." (pesanlah paket bahasa dari Perfect Lingua). Jadi, kita dapat belajar di rumah dengan memesan suatu paket bahasa By ordering a lingua kit.
Janwaban: B
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