RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA Semester 1 & 2 K13 Revisi 2018
Dengan melaksakan kegiatan pembelajaran, seorang guru terlebih dahulu merancang metode-metode apa yang akan diterapkan kepada peserta didiknya agar tujuan dari materi bisa dipahami. RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas XII SMA semester 1 & 2 Kurikulum 2013/K13 revisi 2018 bisa digunakan oleg Bapak/Ibu sebagai kelengkapan administrasi guru tahun pelajaran 2018/2019.
RPP Muatan Kurikulum 2013 terbaru didalamnya terintegrasi dengan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) yakni religius, nasionalis, integritas, mandiri, dan gotong royong. Begitu juga RPP Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA kelas 12 K13 sudah direvisi menggunakan pendekatan literasi; keterampilan (Creative, Critical thinking, Communicative, dan Collaborative); dan HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) abad 21 atau di istilahkan dengan 4C.
Dalam RPP Bahasa Inggris dilengkapi juga soal-soal latihan seperti contoh soal untuk materi pembelajaran 1 dibawah ini.
1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
a. Dialog 1: in a doctor’s room
b. Dialog 2: in a bus station (Arjosari, Malang)
c. Dialog 3: at school
d. Dialog 4: at home
2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
a. Dialog 1: doctor-patient
b. Dialog 2: tourist-ticket seller
c. Dialog 3: friends
d. Dialog 4: friends
1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
a. Dialog 1: in a doctor’s room
b. Dialog 2: in a bus station (Arjosari, Malang)
c. Dialog 3: at school
d. Dialog 4: at home
2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
a. Dialog 1: doctor-patient
b. Dialog 2: tourist-ticket seller
c. Dialog 3: friends
d. Dialog 4: friends
3. What are the functions of the underlined words?
Responses of expressions of offering of help/services.
4. What are the functions of the italicized words?
Expressions of offering help/services.
5. In Dialog 1, what does dr. Nahda say to help Fafa? What will dr. Nahda do
to help Fafa?
Dr. Nahda says, ‘What can I do for you?’, ‘What’s the problem?’ and ‘okay,
let me check your stomach‘. He will check Fafa’s stomach.
6. Look at Dialog 2. What does Tania offer to the stranger? Does the stranger
accept Tania’s offer? What does he say?
a. She offers a bus ticket indirectly.
b. The stranger accepts Tania’s offer by saying, ‘Yes. I need to go to
Jakarta," …… "Thank you. I will buy the bus ticket, then."
7. Who is offering a help in Dialog 3? What does she say? Is the offer
In Dialog 3, Dhea is offering a help. She says, "Would you need my help?"
The offer is not accepted (No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible).
8. In Dialog 4, what does Diana say to offer a help? Does Hamada accept or
refuse the help? What does she say?
Diana says, "What if I help you with the preparation?" Hamada refuses the
offer politely by saying, "Oh, it’s a very nice of you. But I'm going to do it
with my sister. Thanks for the offer."
9. Write the patterns of offering help/services. May I help you…?, Would you
like ...?, What if I ...?)
10. Write possible responses for offering help/services.
- Acceptance: Yes, I need …, Yes, I’d love to …, Thanks a lot.
- Refusing/confronting: No, thank you …, Yes, but ..., Thanks a lot, but
Selengkapnya RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas XII SMA semester 1 & 2 Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018, download dibawah ini.
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RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA |
RPP Muatan Kurikulum 2013 terbaru didalamnya terintegrasi dengan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) yakni religius, nasionalis, integritas, mandiri, dan gotong royong. Begitu juga RPP Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA kelas 12 K13 sudah direvisi menggunakan pendekatan literasi; keterampilan (Creative, Critical thinking, Communicative, dan Collaborative); dan HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) abad 21 atau di istilahkan dengan 4C.
Dalam RPP Bahasa Inggris dilengkapi juga soal-soal latihan seperti contoh soal untuk materi pembelajaran 1 dibawah ini.
Baca Juga
1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
a. Dialog 1: in a doctor’s room
b. Dialog 2: in a bus station (Arjosari, Malang)
c. Dialog 3: at school
2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
a. Dialog 1: doctor-patient
b. Dialog 2: tourist-ticket seller
c. Dialog 3: friends
d. Dialog 4: friends
1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
a. Dialog 1: in a doctor’s room
b. Dialog 2: in a bus station (Arjosari, Malang)
c. Dialog 3: at school
d. Dialog 4: at home
2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
a. Dialog 1: doctor-patient
b. Dialog 2: tourist-ticket seller
c. Dialog 3: friends
d. Dialog 4: friends
3. What are the functions of the underlined words?
Responses of expressions of offering of help/services.
4. What are the functions of the italicized words?
Expressions of offering help/services.
5. In Dialog 1, what does dr. Nahda say to help Fafa? What will dr. Nahda do
to help Fafa?
Dr. Nahda says, ‘What can I do for you?’, ‘What’s the problem?’ and ‘okay,
let me check your stomach‘. He will check Fafa’s stomach.
6. Look at Dialog 2. What does Tania offer to the stranger? Does the stranger
accept Tania’s offer? What does he say?
a. She offers a bus ticket indirectly.
b. The stranger accepts Tania’s offer by saying, ‘Yes. I need to go to
Jakarta," …… "Thank you. I will buy the bus ticket, then."
7. Who is offering a help in Dialog 3? What does she say? Is the offer
In Dialog 3, Dhea is offering a help. She says, "Would you need my help?"
The offer is not accepted (No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible).
8. In Dialog 4, what does Diana say to offer a help? Does Hamada accept or
refuse the help? What does she say?
Diana says, "What if I help you with the preparation?" Hamada refuses the
offer politely by saying, "Oh, it’s a very nice of you. But I'm going to do it
with my sister. Thanks for the offer."
9. Write the patterns of offering help/services. May I help you…?, Would you
like ...?, What if I ...?)
10. Write possible responses for offering help/services.
- Acceptance: Yes, I need …, Yes, I’d love to …, Thanks a lot.
- Refusing/confronting: No, thank you …, Yes, but ..., Thanks a lot, but
Selengkapnya RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas XII SMA semester 1 & 2 Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018, download dibawah ini.
- RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA K13 Chapter 1 > Download
- RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA K13 Chapter 2 > Download
- RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA K13 Chapter 3 > Download
- RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA K13 Chapter 4 > Download
- RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA K13 Chapter 5 > Download
Sumber https://www.pelitaguru.id/
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